Engage Your Visitors With TweetBoard
Engaging visitors is the holy mission for every blogger and website owner, because engaging them would improve your site, your content and increase your visitors.
A new service that takes engaging visitors to new way is TweetBoard, which is an instant Twitter-powered forum for your blog or website.
The beauty of this small tool is it's placed in blog as a sidebar, which expands on-demand, so you don't have to worry about taking out space of your blog.
"Each time your webiste visitors post via your Tweetboard, a link back to the corresponding conversation is appended to their tweet, creating a viral stream of traffic proportional to the volume of tweeting performed via your Tweetboard.
I should mention that this service is free, but still in alpha, so you have to request and invite for now.
I have TweetBoard installed in my blog, you can see the tab on the left side; go check it out and tell me what you think