Get Some Out of Your Day!

We all usually have busy days, no free times and no room for additional activities; we live either in a hard daily routine or in laziness!
What we miss between the routine and laziness is the small, exciting things we could learn and the cool info we could gain ... I'm not talking about the study courses info or what you get from work! but the other exciting life topics, our hobbies and even stuff we don't know.

Why? self-satisfaction is the ultimate gain, along with improving your work and social life; you would find something to talk about with your friends, family and colleagues.

You said it, I don't have enough time for such things!
well, there is some cool sources out there where you can learn with almost no time, and without interrupting your daily routine; my favorite sources are:

- Blogs: if you don't know what are blogs, they are personal sites where anyone can write about anything! a story, personal experience, share knowledge in informal easy way.
Blog posts are usually short so you can read a post in almost no time! read anything that interest you while you are checking your e-mail and you won't regret it.
There is special search engines that sort blogs to categories, and search posts of your interest; the best out there is ... go check it out.

 - Podcasts: my favorite source of info; A podcast is a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and downloaded or watched online.
What makes podcasts widely-used and recommended for everyone is that you can use it on the go; personally I put some episodes in download at night, and listen to them while i'm on my way to university or in bus!

You can find podcasts about anything, everything, from business, comedy, arts, technology, anything! and what makes them appealing is that you can find podcasts in any length .... 2, 5, 10 or 30 minutes, all you have to do is to choose what fits your time.
My main source for podcasts is iTunes, which has every podcast you could imagine.

So think, if you read a short post, and listen to a 10-minutes podcast aday, both won't total more than 15 minutes! but that very short time would take you to a whole new world!

So what are you waiting?!

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